
July is full of family-related holidays. On July 24th, it was National Parents day. This holiday inspired us to write all about some other upcoming family-related holidays. While these holidays are lesser-known than Mother’s or Father’s Day, they are still worth a celebration. So, treat your special family member to something fun this July.

Uncle and Aunt Day

Uncle and Aunt Day falls on July 26th. One of the best ways to celebrate this holiday is to simply spend time with your relatives. Organizing a family reunion, backyard barbeque, or family-tree-making event are all great ideas. Then again, you can always get them gifts as well. No one is likely to complain about that! Since this is not a major holiday, even getting small gifts can make your aunt and uncle’s day. You can never go wrong with getting some snacks.

picnic, food, baby, outside

National Father-in-Law Day

People usually have a unique relationship with their father-in-law. If you have a good relationship with your father-in-law, then this is a good time to treat him to something nice. If you don’t have the best relationship with your father-in-law, then this could be a good time to try to improve your relationship. Either way, some one-on-one time can’t hurt. Take him out to dinner, to see a movie, or just get him a nice gift.

International Friendship Day

While you can’t pick your blood-related family, some friends can seem like family. Take International Friendship day as an excuse to hang out with friends who you haven’t seen in a while. Take them out to lunch, go shopping, or just hang out on the couch. Don’t forget the snacks!

Take this month to celebrate family and those who are like family. We don’t need an excuse to spoil friends and family, but it’s nice to have one sometimes. If you need any gift ideas, don’t forget to check out our shop!


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